An Organic Summer Garden Experience
There are few better ways to go when it comes to the potential influence on the world if you have the time and interest to develop an organic summer garden. A summer garden is a marvel of beauty that everyone who enters it may appreciate. However, there are certain pests that we'd all prefer to keep out of our plants. The issue is that previous insecticides had unclear side effects that might cause long-term damage. If we can avoid introducing those chemicals into our own gardens, we are protecting our children from dangers we may not even be aware of, as well as other animals that may come into contact with our gardens without our knowledge, such as birds and butterflies, from being harmed by the chemicals found in most common pesticides.
What does this entail for gardeners in terms of attempts to keep possible pests at bay? To be honest, that means we'll have to be a little more imaginative in our attempts to use natural remedies rather than chemicals. One simple approach to achieving this is to encourage animals that hunt pests to make your garden their home. Of course, this may cause its own set of issues, but from a gardening standpoint, it is sometimes really reasonable logic.
Make use of organic mulch. While this is not technically a pest control method, it is a good step in organic farming. Not only does the mulch offer highly important mulching capabilities during the growth season, but it may also be turned over and utilized to improve the organic material within the soil after the growing season has concluded. This, in turn, offers nutrients necessary for maintaining the soil appropriate for plant growth in future growing seasons.
Bring birds to your garden. This offers two advantages for organic gardeners. For starters, birds are typically natural predators for many of the pests that might be a nuisance in the normal summer garden. Second, birds make their own modest fertilizing improvements to your garden's environment. Don't you wish all answers were as straightforward?
Keep your garden healthy, well-fertilized, routinely and correctly watered, and weed-free. The best defense is a solid attack. A strong immune system and frequent hand washing are the strongest lines of protection against colds and viruses. The same may be said about gardens and their abilities to combat pests. Keep your garden robust and healthy, and it will resist many of the pests that might otherwise destroy other plants. It doesn't hurt to keep this idea in mind, and you may be surprised at how effectively it works.
Organic gardening is more than just a garden design; it is a return to the traditional methods of gardening. For millennia before pesticides were invented, man survived on the bounty of his gardens. It seems reasonable that by returning to those ideas, we might enjoy delicious food and a plentiful harvest in the current world. Make the decision now to transform your summer garden into an organic garden and gain the benefits of improved health and increased pleasure from the gardening process.
Summer Garden